Kuzma Concerned About Governor’s Budget

March 7, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Andrew Kuzma (R-Allegheny/Washington) today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s $45.8 billion budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2023-24:

“Increasing the spending of taxpayer funding in a time of projected future state budget deficits would undoubtedly cause tax hikes. At a time when eggs cost $6 a dozen, the residents of the 39th Legislative District can barely afford their groceries. We should not be setting them up for future tax hikes that will cause them to make choices on whether to feed their family or pay their taxes. While I realize that the price of road paving and rock salt does not go down, we need to do more to protect the taxpayer.

“In the coming weeks and months, I will be carefully examining each line item to gain a better understanding and make suggestions on areas of improvement.”

For more information on Shapiro’s 2023-24 proposal, visit pahousegop.com.

The 39th Legislative District includes Elizabeth, Forward and South Park townships and Elizabeth, Jefferson Hills, Pleasant Hills and West Elizabeth boroughs in Allegheny County; and Union and part of Carroll townships, Finleyville and New Eagle boroughs, and the city of Monongahela in Washington County.

Representative Andrew Kuzma
39th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tracy Polovick
RepKuzma.com / Facebook.com/RepKuzma

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